Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Top Fifty

So here it is, I spent the afternoon organizing, completing, and perfecting a list of my personal TOP FIFTY FILMS OF ALL TIME. The first 20 are close to exact order while the rest are approximate order, however, it's very close to exact. I still have many movies to see, so it's defiantly liable to change over time, but as of this day (4-24-08) here it is as it stands.

Top Fifty:
1. Fight Club
2. Almost Famous
3. Braveheart
4. Unbreakable
5. Pulp Fiction
6. Batman Begins
-Batman (1989)
-Batman Returns (1992)
7. The Godfather
-Part 2
-Part 3
8. Se7en
9. Star Wars
-A New Hope
-The Empire Strikes Back
-Return of the Jedi
10. Rear Window

11.The Departed
12. Magnolia
13. American Beauty
14. Minority Report
15. Psycho
16. When Harry Met Sally
17. Gone Baby Gone
18. Gangs of New York
19. Memento
20. Kill Bill
-Vol. 1
-Vol. 2

21. Silence of the Lambs
22. 3:10 to Yuma
23. Knocked Up
24. Lord of the Rings
-Fellowship of the Ring
-The Two Towers
-Return of the King
25. Misery
26. Zodiac
27. The Sixth Sense
28. There Will Be Blood
29. Children of Men
30. V for Vendetta

31. Signs
32. It's a Wonderful Life
33. Once
34. Resevoir Dogs
35. Anchorman
36. Spider-Man
-Spider-Man 2
-Spider-Man 3
37. Road to Perdition
38. High Fidelity
39. Fargo
40. Brick

41. Vertigo
42. X-Men
43. Saving Private Ryan
44. Gladiator
45. Cape Fear
46. The Life Aquatic
47. A Few Good Men
48. The Others
49. Stranger Than Fiction
50. Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Is there anything anything important that I've missed, what do you think?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Modern Actors

I have recently just come off a Kevin Spacey kick after un-intentionally viewing 6 movies in which he starred (Usual Suspects, Se7en, Superman Returns, L.A. Confidential, 21, and American Beauty) with-in just a few months time. Anyone who has seen any of these movies knows just how terrific of an actor Spacey is. Putting a wicked charm and wit into all his roles that reminds me of some of the earlier great actors like Stuart, Grant, and Bogart. This Spacey kick prompted me to think, who are the best actors in modern cinema. Well obviously, in my opinion, one such actor is Kevin Spacey.
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Who else, you may ask, who else is worth to be ranked as one of the greatest actors you can see in movies today? Well one who immediately comes to mind is Edward Norton. Norton has done a number of great movies (The Illusionist, Primal Fear, Red Dragon) but my personal favorite role of Ed's is his un-named character in Fight Club (which also one of my all-time favorites). Also who can forget his chilling performance in American History X. Once you've seen that movie it stays with you for a very long time, thanks to mister Norton. If you ask me it's only a matter of time before he has his own collection of Oscar gold. Edward Norton can be seen next in this summer's The Incredible Hulk, which he also wrote the screenplay for.

Who else would i put on this list? Well honestly if you ask me I already said the two most deserving, but that doesn't mean that I don't think there are other very talented actors out there.

They include:
Christian Bale - Always gives a passionate performance but I still feel like we haven't seen the best of him, maybe we will in The Dark Knight?

Johnny Depp - Depp is a great actor and definitely deserves an Oscar by now, however, he always plays same types of roles, the quirky, oddball guy, but he does do it very well.

Clive Owen - He always give an entertaining performance and makes a great action hero, could kick the crap out of Daniel Craig's James Bond.

Sure there's a few more but these five stand out the most to me. Is there anyone I'm forgetting?