Thursday, May 22, 2008

Refrencing my list./Summer Movies of the Highest Importance

In reference to my previous post, I've been getting complaints about too generous to certain movies. What can I say. The list is composed my my personal favorite movies, not, let me repeat, NOT what i believe to be the best movies ever made. Please see the difference, and looking back perhaps I have been too kind to some un-deserving features. I recently saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall again and concluded that, while still funny, it belonged no where in my top fifty. But the list is made and I'm not changing it so let's move on.

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Summer in all it's glory never fails to promise a movie for me to get excited about, in fact this year there are several. The season for me already kicked off with thee exceptional Iron Man (**** out of 5), and has most recently followed this week with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I have yet to see the latest from Speilberg and Lucas but my expectations aren;t high due to poor ratings so far from the critics. However I often find I enjoy a movie more when I go in with low expectations and come out totally thrilled. Never the less I will journey into the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull with Indy this weekend.
The next big one after Indiana that I simply cannot wait for is the Incredible Hulk. I know what you're thinking, they already made this movie and it sucked. I beg to differ, this Edward Norton piece is not even gonna come close to that Ang Lee garbage that we all wish to forget. No, this time the green meany looks mean but it also looks like their actually gonna use the hero aspect of this super hero this time. And being the Ed Norton fan that I am, just can't help to get giddie when I realize that the script was written by Mr. Norton himself. This Hulk simply looks badass and you best believe I will be enjoying my popcorn that Friday.The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
However, I'm some what torn for in the same weekend another movie is released that I'm almost equally excited about. In my eyes the name of M. Night Shamylan is not yet a disgrace. Unbreakable remains as one of my all time favorites and the Sixth Sense still gives me the creeps. I also went back the other day and watched Signs only to re-discover how good it actually is, I see some thing new in that movie every time i watch it. Admittedly the Village was not as good as it should have been but really it wasn't half as bad as everyone says it is. Everyone wanted a different ending so no one was satisfied, and I just won't say anything about the mess that is Lady In The Water. But ladies and gentlemen I smell a come back for Mr. Shamlyan with his new movie the Happening, which promises to be much scarier then anything he's done before. This is the directors first R-rated movie and the trailer is truly chilling, not to mention it stars the super cool Mark Wallberg and the adorable Zooey Deschanel.The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
The next movie I want to see this summer is probably number 2 on the most anticipated, which i find a bit humorous because when I saw the first trailer for Will Smith's Hancock, I thought it looked like utter trash. When I saw a second trailer on American Idol one Wensday evening, my perception of the movie changed dramatically, the movie could actually be one of the most original and hilarious summer movies ever. It's about Will Smith playing a Super Anti-hero that becomes a role model after serving some time in prison, and it co-stars the hysterical Jason Bateman of the wonderful show that was Arrested Development.
Hands down, easily to most exciting movie this summer poses is Christopher Nolan's follow-up to the amazing Batman Begins, The Dark Knight. This is the one I can't help but get my hopes up for, the one that could go down in history. The trailers get the mood for a great Batman story just right and not to mention the frightening images of the late Heath Ledger as the clown prince of crime himself, the Joker. Now that the origin tale is out of the way Nolan has the liberty of doing anything he wants and I have a feeling it's gonna be absolutely great. Right now many of you are excited about the Joker but I am just as anxious to see Aaron Eckhart as one of the best Batman villains, Two-Face. The leaked photo hit the internet almost a month ago and if you thought Ledger was scary, you haven't seen anything yet.
Those are pretty much the big flicks that get me ready to throw my money away at Hollywood but there are always minors ones as well that I also wouldn't mind wasting an afternoon one. This year we have Get Smart, I love every chance I get to see Steve Carrell in awkward moments and that looks exactly like what the movie is. Next is the Pinnapple Express which is the next Judd Aptow production and those always get me laughing, it also stars Seth Rodgen and James Franco so it should deliver some good laughs. No movie this summer looks funnier than Step Brothers with Will Ferrill and the lovable John C. Reliey. Also coming out this year that looks like a hit or miss is the next Mummy movie. I was always a fan of those movies as a kid and Brendan Fraiser is back for the starring role so we'll see.
That pretty much somes it up, what are you anxious to see this summer?